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The Spirit of Charitable Giving Year All Year - Pay Northwest

The Spirit of Charitable Giving Year All Year - Pay Northwest
Charitable Giving - PayNorthWest - PNW

Just because the season of giving is over, or traditional time we pause and think of others, that doesn’t mean we should stop there. The spirit of giving continues throughout the year. 

Many companies, including PayNW, take the New Year as a time to reflect on the past 12 months and connect with the community. Whether it be volunteering with a non-profit, giving a monetary gift to an organization, or collecting goods to donate, it’s important to set aside time and money to give back. Also, to think about ways to extend gifts all year. 

Here at PayNW, we take pride in our community and the connections we have around the country. We implemented a charitable giving program a few years ago, which donates $.02 per check we process each quarter and goes to an organization of our choice. This added up to $10,869 in 2021. This past year, we chose to donate to the Seattle Foundation’s Fund for Inclusive Recovery. 

It’s a simple fact – when you do good at work, you feel good. And when you feel good at work, you’re more likely to have a positive mindset toward your role and company; not to mention that many others, outside your organization, may benefit directly and indirectly. 

Here are some tips to giving back and how to go about it:

  1. Choose an organization that means something to your team.

    PayNW was founded in Seattle, and we are close to this community, so the team chose a local organization this year. By donating to the Seattle Foundation, there is a direct effect on those around us, which many of us can see. However, as now remote workforces like ours grow, virtual communities do as well. The important thing is to have the gift resonate with employees. Putting options to a vote is a great way to do just that.

  2. Decide on a plan and stick to it.

    We all know the holidays and end of year signify the season of giving. However, that doesn’t mean it’s mandatory to use that time or only that time to give back. Many, if not all, organizations and non-profits around the world need donations year-round. Should your business choose to donate after Q1, mid-way through the year or another time, decide to prioritize giving and stick to your plan every year.

  3. Get the entire company involved.

    Transparency within your business is key when it comes to giving. Now, this can mean a few things; organizing a group volunteer activity that could be in-person or virtual, sending out a link to consider donating directly to organizations, or making sure to share details on whom and how donations help. The trick is to get everyone, and I mean everyone, involved. The more your company talks about it, the more employees might decide to give back on their own time, and the more gifts are extended to raise up everyone.

We hope you consider giving back, no matter the size of the gesture. Take these tips and share them with your organization, strategize new ways to participate in charitable giving, and always remember that people are watching and might see ways to pay it forward as well. 

Happy New Year, and happy giving! 

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