3 min read
COVID Relief and Government Funding Bill
Impacts to FFCRA, Employee Retention Credit and Payroll Tax Deferral Programs On Sunday, December 27, President Trump signed the COVID Relief and...
What it is: Credits to be applied to offset the employer’s payroll tax in the amount equal to the amount paid for Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Sick Leave.
Background: FFCRA sick leave and emergency leave is mandated to be provided by employers with 500 or fewer employees. Exemption from the mandate may be available to some businesses under 50 employees. Wages paid as FFCRA leaves of absence can be immediately offset against federal payroll taxes in the same pay period. Click here to learn more.
Read the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
How to track leave and use the credits:
Track leave wages paid to employees using specially configured earnings code set up by PayNorthwest for you in the system. Contact us now to get these leave earnings codes set up in the system for you.
We will use the credits generated by your use of the leave earnings codes to offset your payroll taxes for the pay period.
If any credit remains over and above your payroll taxes, we can help you get that money back as quickly as possible
HERE is a sample FFCRA leave request form with your employees.
HERE is the notice that FFCRA requires employers to post in a conspicuous location in the workplace (or each work location, if employees report to different buildings). Employees who are working from home must receive the notice as well.
Download the required FFCRA notice
FFCRA Notification Requirements FAQ
Fact Sheet for Employees
Required Employer Documentation for Leave Tax Credits
The documentation required to claim an FFCRA payroll tax credit is listed below. Employers may not require more documentation from employees than is described. The IRS has a very helpful overview and FAQ that covers other common questions about the tax credits in detail.
Employers can substantiate eligibility for FFCRA sick leave or family leave credits by receiving a written request from the employee that includes the following:
According to the DOL, this is the extent of the documentation employers may require.